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We Are Family!


We are a 100% volunteer organization. If you clicked on this page, it means that you are considering volunteering your time to help bully breed dogs in Alabama. Your generosity and dedication are the reason our rescue exists, and means the world to the dogs in our care. We would love for you to become part of the Bama Bully Rescue (BBR) Family! 

Every year, BBR places dozens of dogs in adoptive homes, attends multiple of community events in an effort to educate the public about bully breeds and responsible dog ownership, and provides financial assistance to many families for spay/neuter and emergency veterinary services. None of this would be possible without our volunteers. They are the ones who selflessly donated thousands of hours over the years to help the helpless.

Whether you decide to foster, transport, help with special events, answer e-mail and messages, or use your creativity and talent to promote our dogs and the BBR mission, you can take great pleasure in knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of pit bulls and bully breed dogs throughout our state.

We want your volunteer experience with us to be as rewarding to you as it is to the animals that receive your love and support. Here are some of the positions that we would love for you to consider:

Business Liaison

If you are outgoing, and not afraid of rejection, we need you! Our business liaisons ask local businesses for raffle items and door prizes to be used at our events. You don’t have to have tons of connections, but it helps!

E-Mail / Facebook Messenger

Our messengers answer the dozens of (sometimes heartbreaking) questions and requests we get each day on our Facebook pages and through our website. This job requires strong writing skills and tons of patience.

Event Staff

Volunteers who staff events put feet on our mission, and spread the word about the true nature of bully breed dogs. They provide one-on-one training about responsible pet ownership. They also serve as sales people, moving the merchandise that funds our objectives.

Foster Parent

We are a foster-based rescue. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of our volunteers who are able to accept a dog into their home, to love and train and treat like family.

Grant Writer

We know that there are dozens of foundations that want to give us money to fund our mission. Grant writers tell our story in a way that donors can understand.

Graphic Designer

Fund raising requires imagination and marketing. Our designers work to grab the attention of our donors.

Home Checker

BBR does a physical home inspection before we approve a foster or adopter. This includes visiting the home, performing a short interview with the prospective dog parents, identifying any dangers to puppies or dogs, and reinforcing the 2-week shutdown policy.


We rely heavily on our gifted photographers to take pictures at events, and capture the beauty and unique personalities of our dogs in special photo shoots. We use the photographs on Facebook, our website, and in grant applications and reports.

Social Media / Website Maintenance

Keeping our social media feeds and our website current and relevant is essential to our ability to raise funds to support our mission. This position requires up-to-date knowledge of technology and good writing skills


We love “freedom rides”, and so do our transporters. These folks volunteer their vehicles and time to transport BBR dogs from the shelter to a veterinary clinic or their new foster home.


A picture may be worth a thousand words, but expertly done videos of our dogs playing are the best adoption tools we can have. Videographers travel to foster homes to capture our dogs in motion, put the video to music, and add it to our Facebook feed.